Thursday 22 August 2019

Buyer guide for A Good Horse Grooming Brushes?

As you know the importance of grooming brushes to a horse’s appearance and health, you now understand why it is worthwhile taking time to consider what is the best horse grooming brush.

The market is loaded with countless products, and going there without the slightest idea of important factors that will lead to a waste of time and money.
Therefore, we have summarized a list of what you need to take into consideration when it comes to buying a good horse grooming brush.

Bristle Length

If you want to remove dirt on the horse’s hair quickly and easily, you should go for longer bristles. Meanwhile, short bristles are only suitable when you have already brushed the hair and removed all dirt. The primary purpose of short bristles is to add more polish to the hair.

Bristle Thickness

In general, bristle thickness is proportional to the amount of chunk removed. Thin bristles only help you remove tiny specs on the hair.
With this in mind, the recommendation is to get several different types of brushes. A thick brush helps you remove clumps and mud, while a thin one aims at fine dust.

Synthetic or Natural

Another important question that you need to ask before buying horse grooming brushes is whether you want synthetic or natural bristles. Typically, natural bristles will be dense, soft, and effective.
On the other hand, if you want to use the brush for several strokes, a metal curry comb can work effectively to release anything you get.
The brushes with synthetic bristles usually come from plastic and are harder. They can be useful to help you clean horse boots, saddle pads, or dirt which appears on your pants.
Synthetic or Natural


The horse is quite a big animal, so you may want to be more careful with grooming.
A lot of people spend more than an hour to brush the horse properly. This means that you may have to hold the brush for a quite long period, and if the brush does not make you comfortable, you are likely to end up with fatigue or worse, injuries.
Wood and plastic handle usually appear in inexpensive brushes. They are hard, causing harm to your hands, especially when you have to squeeze the brush. For the wood handle, it is essential to check whether it is sanded or polished; otherwise, you may get a splinter.
High-quality brushes will have padding around their handles, which you should aim at to avoid any kind of problems.


Brushes have different kinds and purposes. For example, some brushes are designed to take care of specific areas. As a result, you should research before choosing what to buy.
The idea is to have several kinds of brushes for different purposes.


Cost is an important factor when you buy anything; however, for horse grooming brushes, it may be quite insignificant as they do not usually cost a huge amount of money.
Even though you may need several different brushes in your kit, you can purchase them over time, instead of buying all at once. It is affordable, so make sure that you get high-quality products with better durability and functions.

FAQs about Grooming Brushes for Horses

Have you got what you need after reading our reviews? If you have any further inquiries, you can always send questions to us by commenting.
But before that, let’s check our FAQs section to find out whether your questions have been answered here or not. Below are several commonly asked questions related to horse grooming brushes.

Do horses like being brushed?

There has been no conclusion on the issue of whether horses are interested in being brushed or groomed or not. However, it depends much on the tool and how you do it.
When you use a comfortable grooming brush with sensitivity, it is highly likely that your horse will show great enjoyment. You can say so by watching their neck stretch out, their eyes roll back, or their upper lip extend. These indicate that your horse is excited.
Even in case, your horse shows some anger or anti-behavior during your grooming, you should think about how you did it and make necessary changes. Since brushing is so important to the horse’s health, and you cannot ignore it only because your horse is against it.
Brush horse's mane

How much do horse brushes cost?

The price varies from $5 to $30, depending on the material used to make the brush. You should identify your preferred type first, and then make a decision on the price.

How do you clean horse brushes?

After grooming your horse, you may want to clean the brush to remove any dirt on it. The process is simple, with several items included, such as dish soap, towel, and warm water.
  • Collect all brushes to clean at one time
  • Remove long hairs, or you can use a rubber curry over its bristles to remove dirt. Do so outside so that you don’t make your house dirty
  • Clean the brushes under warm water
  • Use a little dish soap or shampoo
  • Start with synthetic brushes first and then real hair ones. Brushes with wood handle should not stay in water for long
  • Rinse them with water again to remove soap
  • Let them stay in dry places