Wednesday 26 February 2020

Ultimate buying guide for best horse feeds

In this article, we will show you Ultimate buying guide for best horse feeds . It will help you easier to choose the appropriate food for your equine!

Things to consider

Aside from introducing the good products above, we also mention some considerations when you are contemplating feeding your horses.
There are 4 main points including:
  • Your horses’ life stage
  • Your horses’ activity level
  • Any health problems they might have
  • Your budget
Let’s bring out the meaning so that you can understand better!
Most horse feeds are made to satisfy the particular nutrient requirements of life stages and activity levels of equines. And they often specify on the packaging.
When examining your horses’ activity level, you need to feed reasonably. It’s because overfeeding energy might make them “hot” and gain undesired weight.
In case this happens, avoid reducing the amount under the recommended feeding rate. Or your horse won’t get enough nutrients he needs.
It’s best to change another lower energy feed and check the result.
If your four-legged friend has a particular health issue that can be affected by his feed, you need to examine the info from the bag or your veterinarian carefully.
For instance, using the Cool Calories 100 for horses with a history of feed-related laminitis is ideal.
Last but not least, you should consider your budget. Since the features and benefits of feed might increase the cost, you have to ask whether you can buy this product at the suggested feeding levels.
Remember that the feeding rates change between the products and it might influence the cost to feed the horse every day.

3 golden rules to feed your horses

Rule 1 – Satisfy basic demands

The basic nutritional requirements such as vitamin, minerals, protein, energy, and water are a vital part of any feeding plan.
Vitamins and minerals are one of the easiest to control. They are often met with good-quality hay. Or a pure vitamin supplement together with a mineral block in your horse’s pasture is enough.
The intake of protein should be 10 to 12% of his total diet. Make sure to check the protein levels in the horse feed because he isn’t getting enough if being fed less than 10% protein.
Energy is the number of calories the horses take in, whether it’s from hay, pasture or supplements. Giving enough energy helps them to perform their job and maintain a good weight.
The last thing is the water. Just ensure that they drink enough water and it must be clean.

Rule 2 – Make it small

Keep in mind that your horse’s stomach is designed to contain 2 to 4 gallons of material at any given time.
And in the natural environment, he needs 16 hours each day of grazing. So, it’s best to feed him small and frequent meals in case he’s not grazing all day in the pasture.
Ideally, if your horse is kept on or live inside a dry all day, you should feed small amounts about 4 times per day. In case it’s not possible, you can offer hay in slow-feed nests to make feeding time longer.

Rule 3 – Trust experts

The truth is that feed companies have done an excellent job in recent years of introducing safe and well-formulated rations. And there is no reason why you don’t take advantage of their expertise.
All the products that we’ve mentioned above are guaranteed to give the best results for your equines.


Q1: When should I feed the horses?

For horses with ulcers, you need to feed them right up to the time of competition. It’s because hay will buffer their stomach from excess acid. It’s best to use alfalfa hay instead of grass hay.
Horse feeds, or grain that is high in starch should be given at least 4 hours before competition or exercise.
Avoid feeding over 6 lbs of grain or horse feed in one time or your horse will get much strain on their hindgut. This causes fermentation and a rise of intestinal acidity. Moreover, it enhances the risk of colic and digestive ailments.

Q2: How much should I feed a mare that is feeding a foal?

Mares need about 44% energy requirements when they are feeding a foal.
During their first three months of lactation, they might give up nearly 3% of their body weight per day in total milk production. That means a 1,100-pound mare will give up almost 24 pounds of milk every day.
Therefore, you need to feed them about 30 lbs of hay and 20 lbs horse feed daily.

Q3: How much should I feed the horses with particular demands?

If your four-legged friends are sensitive to dietary starch, you should feed them a diet that is high in fat rather than starch.
For horses with common respiratory issues, they need to eat quality wood shavings instead of straw.
It’s because straw tends to mold with ease. Even if you cannot smell or see it, straw often includes mold spores that might irritate your horses and make them cough.

Q4: Does feeding more grain (or protein) make your horse “hot”?

Protein is necessary to repair tissue tear and wear and offer energy. If your horses obtain less protein, healing wounds and recovering from exercising is tough.
But whether or not feeding more grain makes them “hot,” you need to base on the amount of non-structural carbohydrates that he needs.
Note that different grains come with varying amounts of NSC. Among, corns (60%) and oats (52%) have the highest one.

Q5: How to concentrate on feeding for my horses?

You have to base on your horses’ breed and discipline to find the right horse feed regiment.
For example, endurance horses require a diet that includes a 75-25 ratio of 75% fat and 25% glucose. Hunters need 50-50 while three-day eventers ask for 67% fat and 33% glucose.

Your final choice is…

Among top 5 picks above, our best horse feed for equines of all life stages will be the Manna Pro Calf-Manna Supplement.
Not only does it offer a reasonable price but also give spectacular results thanks to the appearance of yeast culture, amino acids, proteins, etc. It’s a double performance feed that is good for weight gain as well as performance horses.
Generally, you’re guaranteed to get a good deal if ORDERING this product.
Of course, don’t mind asking any question in case you want to know more about this topic.
Or you can consult other posts to find more good feed for your horses such as best horse calming supplement or best horse vitamin & mineral supplements
Once again, thanks for reading, guys!

Friday 21 February 2020

Need to know before buying the best horse clippers for body clipping

Grooming a Horse will help your beloved friends feel comfortable. That means you should have the best tool such as best horse clippers for body clipping to do that exciting job! This post will help you easier to make the decistion!

How to choose the best horse clippers?

If you have an idea of choosing the clipper from our products above, don’t miss some crucial elements below to support you better.


An equine clipper comes with two blades, including the “comb” for the lower and the “cutter” on the top.
The comb feeds the hair through while the cutter cuts every hair. Depending on the cut’s purposes, you need to choose a suitable blade.
horse clipper blades
For instance, if you live in a warmer climate, your horses need a closer cut. In case you live in a cold environment, you need to leave a little longer hair to keep them warm.
Also, you should consider the ease of changing the blades.
If your clipper has the adjustable blade, it’s easy to move the cutter further or close to the comb. Or in case the blade is detachable, you can easily remove it.
To fixed-blade models, you need to do a bit more manual work to change the blades. Even some models only use a single blade size.


The horse clippers should be well-built and made of durable materials because they are intended for heavy-duty use.
We suggest buying the products that are made of aluminum or other metal without plastic parts.
However, be sure that it must be easy to grip and doesn’t create any fatigue in your hands while grooming in a long time.


Usually, the cordless horse clipper is much larger and can be a bit hard to handle. Meanwhile, the corded one is small because it doesn’t leave a slot for the batteries.
But the size of the clipper mainly depends on your agenda.
For example, if you are going to clip delicate areas of the horse like his neck and face, you need to opt for a small corded model.

Motor type

There are three main kinds of the motor that are used to supply the power including rotary, pivot, and magnetic.
  • Rotary motors are common. They work with the support of an electric part and a rotating disc. By using electricity, the disc will rotate and offer power to the blades. And you can control different speed levels via a switch.
  • Pivoting motors include a magnet and only one hand. Since the magnet is fixed, you have the blades and hands moving. And people often risk pulling off the furs while using them.
  • Magnet motors come with a magnetic field and a direct drive shaft. Unlike the pivoting motor, the magnet field here can regulate the blades back and forth. So, it’s helpful for small jobs as well as heavy-duty clipping.

A quick guide to clip your equine

Step 1

Beginning in a non-sensitive area is the first and foremost thing. When moving the clipper to a part of the horse’s body, avoid touching ticklish places first such as his sides or neck.

Step 2

The next thing is to turn the clipper on away from the horse’s body and let it run for some seconds.
Then start clipping by moving in the direction opposite of hair development. Try to clip lines straight and get rid of entire patches before moving onto other parts.
Additionally, you should notice the corners of the clipper to ensure you don’t poke your horse.

Step 3

Continue clipping out long and narrow parts to obtain the evenest results. Then overlap every new strip of hair to prevent any uneven patches.
And when reaching a whorl in the coat, you should clip out the hair from other angles to remove it all.

Step 4

Some parts of your equines might still have hair if you don’t perform a full clip. Hence, you need to avail a pair of cutting shears to trim down any remaining hair, typically surrounding the legs.

Step 5

After finishing the job, you need to sweep and remove the hair left on the ground.
Since it doesn’t decompose, avoid putting in a compost pile. Instead, you should toss it out with the regular garbage.

Step 6

Finally, you need to blanket your horses because they aren’t used to the temperature change as a result of having less hair.
If they have a thin coat, simply put a light blanket on them. Or in case the weather becomes cold, make sure to give them a thick winter blanket.

Pro tips

  • The clipper often heats up while using. So, you need to keep it cool with cooling fluid. Or turn it off and let it cool if necessary.
  • Don’t clip too early, mid-spring or late in the year because this might interfere with the development of the horse’s coat in summer.
  • Avoid clipping the day before horse shows or competition. Usually, the clipped hair needs 5 to 14 days or more to turn back to its dazzling state.
  • If you are planning to clip near the tail and mane, make sure to wrap them and clip to the side to avoid cutting any long hairs. Or you can ask your friend or anyone to hold both to the side so that you can do with ease.
  • In case you need to clip your horse’s face or any sensitive area, please leave it for last. And make sure you use the smaller clipper to perform.

What is your choice after all?

With top 5 best horse clippers above, we highly suggest the Andis AGC Super 2-Speed.
This product boasts an excellent two-speed rotary motor for those who want to perform pro grooming. Since it operates quietly, it’s convenient to use on the sensitive horses.
Importantly, it’s made by a popular brand, so you’re guaranteed to get the best result.
GET YOURS TODAY if you agree with us, guys!
Or in case you want to add more tools to groom your equines, you can consult one more post of the best horse grooming kit.
And don’t mind leaving your comments below to study anything related to this topic! We’d love to support you!

Monday 17 February 2020

How to choose the best Horse calming supplements?

There are many ways to calm down a horse, the easiest is adding supplements to food. But you need to choose the best Horse calming supplements among many different brands on the Market! Let's check this article now to know the answer.

Why choose the supplement to calm your horse?

Horses are animals with personality, emotions, and reactions, so situations like traveling, playing and moving facilities can make them stressful or anxious. That’s why you need to use a supplement to calm the horse.
When your horse is worried, it will be difficult for you to handle, train and ride it. In worse cases, the animal may have dangerous behavior, which can injure itself or you.
Therefore, we give you some notes to remember when looking for the best horse calming supplement.

How to choose the best calming supplement for horse?

1. Check the list of ingredients of the product

Although you know there are many supplements with calm and cool effect, take a closer look at the package and read the ingredients. Then, you can quickly decide which one is best for your horse.
Moreover, you need to rely on the results of clinical trials, not  smart marketing.

2. Consult your veterinarian before use

It is necessary when you are unsure about the type of supplement you should use for it.
A word of caution:
Chrysanthemum, ginger root, valerian, passionate flowers, and black cohosh may have excessive sedative effects, interacting with other drugs and cause side effects.

3. An empty stomach makes your horse change

When  your horse has behavioral problems, check to see if  it is hungry. At that time, animal foods (hay and grass) should be available for you to feed your pet when needed.
It can also indicate a link between the horse’s stomach disease and its rebellion, which is something you should keep in mind when you can use digestive support supplements to calm your horse.

4. Magnesium composition is a particular favorite type

Why so?
It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and is a useful ingredient to reduce anxiety. But when you add too much magnesium to your horse, its calcium metabolism will be affected. Therefore, sufficient dosage is essential.

5. Another common amino acid is tryptophan

It can make your horse calm and relaxed. You should note that low tryptophan doses can cause mild excitement and higher doses may affect horse performance. You should take the right treatment to ensure efficiency.
Also, B vitamins are also involved in the production of serotonin, which is why they are often present in supplement with tryptophan. However, no clinical trials have shown that vitamin B is effective in reducing horse anxiety.

6. An anxiolytic natural herbal product is valerian

It is extracted from a tree of the same name, which can calm your horse. Sometimes it can be used in human sleeping medicine.
Be warned:
If you have a horse to join a competition, you need to provide a valerian-free horse supplement because it is on the Federation’s list of prohibited substances.

7. Add yeast to food for digestion support and horse calm

This microorganism has an acidic effect in the back intestine, thus reducing anxiety for your horse. It is beneficial for the following environment and improves the acid-base balance.
calming horse
There are many ways to calm your horse

Some FAQs about Horse Calmer

1. Is it necessary to use a calming supplement for your horse?

There are many ways to calm your horse and putting supplements into food is one of them.
Every decision is up to you. Therefore, our advice to this question is that you should talk to your veterinarian or horse nutritionist before adding new products to your horse diet.
You will have specific brands or formulas that suit each situation of your horses. Especially when your horse is performing or competing, you also need to be careful with ingredients on the banned list.

2. In which ways can calming supplement help your horse?

As we mentioned, the composition of the supplements is very different.
Let us give you some examples:
Magnesium plays a role in muscle and nerve function while chromium minerals help regulate blood sugar and Thiamine (vitamin B1) supports the nervous system.
Traditional herbal calming substances are also commonly used, although they can help some horses, not all. They are chrysanthemum, valerian roots, raspberry leaves, etc.

3. Do you know when to use the calming supplement?

Yes, you do. As a long-time rider, you certainly know when your horse has a problem.
They are the times when your horses move to another stable, on a trip, in an event or competition or the mares have cycles.
You can see that your horse is hot, jumping, hurting themselves, giving up eating, painful, nervous, etc. You have to take note of all the symptoms to inform the veterinarian.
Now you need to find the right solution to help your horse reduce stress, reduce pain and live more comfortably. Whether or not taking supplements as a treatment method depends on you and the experts’ opinions about horses.

Is it time you need to use the best horse calming supplement?

With the experience of raising and caring for horses for a long time, we choose to use this product for our horses, the Formula 707 Daily Fresh Packs Equine Supplements.
The reason for our choice is thanks to expert opinion from veterinarians and nutritionists. Our horses can reduce stress, muscle tightness and become calmer. This supplement is a useful product in convenient packaging. And we believe in this long-standing brand.

Thursday 13 February 2020

List of 5 horse breeds for first time riding

Riding a new horse is not easy for a beginner. So in this post, we want to show you list of 5 horse breeds for first time riding!

Top 5 Horse Breeds For Beginners

Although there is no perfect horse breed for beginners, you can still find some types that are more suitable than others because of their unique characteristics.
Check them out:

1. American Quarter Horses

American quarter horse
These favorite horses are the ideal choice for beginners. The main reason for choosing them is their docile temperament and firm body to create a great bond between the rider and the animal.
Even when you raise them on your farm, they are not easily frightened by stubborn calves or scattered flocks. So you feel safe riding without worrying much.

2. Thoroughbred

Thoroughbred horse
The most important thing is training for each horse. Although Thoroughbreds are mostly bred into racehorses with power and high thinking, they also have the right points for someone who wants to own a very first horse.
They are gentle, stable, and muscular and look lovely. If you can train them well, they will be your most disciplined horse.

3. Tennessee Walking Horse

Tennessee Walking Horse
The next horse breed is famous for being very docile and gentle. They are also very friendly and easy to “forgive people” when humans wrongly handle horses or accidentally abuse horses.
Therefore, they are perfect companions on your first journey with horses and riding but make sure to love them. They also serve in most equestrian sports like saddle seats, costumes, dance, and endurance.

4. Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony
These ponies originating from the Shetland Islands are suitable for both adults and children when starting to practice riding. They have a low height (about 46 inches), thick fur and sturdy body.
Thus, you or your child can be more secure when on the saddle. Also, the Shetland Pony is gentle, quite calm and loyal to humans. Because of its limited size, you can check how suitable it is with your height.
>>> Wonder: Is Pony a Baby Horse? Read It Now!

5. Percheron

percheron horse
Lastly, you can also choose this French horse breed for your first practice rides. Many people love them because they are very brilliant. Percheron horses also have excellent muscular structure, docile and gentle nature. The trick is to choose a pure or cross type that is lighter than the original one.

Things to consider when selecting the best horses for beginners

Do not buy untrained horses

Untrained horses are usually cheaper but they are not safe for beginners. You should not buy them to train or send to a trainer because it will be dangerous to do things wrong and take a long time. You should choose horses with experiences and good temperament instead of focusing on horse breeds. And note that older horses of any breed tend to be easier to ride than young horses.
>>> Did you know: The name of a Young Horse?

No “love at first sight”

If you love a horse the first time you meet, don’t buy it right away. You should try out the horse, try again, ask the seller or go home and think for a few days. You also need to consider other horses to compare and have the best option for you. Besides, you should be alert when buying horses at the auction as they can be drugged to look calm and healthy.

Try the horses before you own them

You can ask the seller whether you can try the horse for some days before paying. Horse owners also want to find their beloved animals the new good owner who can take care of them and handle them well. Some sellers may also help you find another horse if the horse you’re looking for doesn’t meet your need after the trial period.

Follow your demand and skill

If you are new to horse riding or experience only a few months, do not buy horses for high-performance competitions. You have to choose horses that meet your needs for safe riding practice, basic skill levels, and regular physical strength. It helps avoid danger to you when using. Note that you should also avoid buying ponies to grow up with your child, and you need to select a mature and well-trained horse.

Ready to be a horse owner

If you love horses and want to buy them for care and riding, are you willing to spend time and money for them? Caring and training horses have never been easy. You need to take time to care for them, learn how to ride correctly, understand their habits, and consult experts, nutritionists or doctors to make your horse indeed an ideal companion. Let’s make friends and love your new horses more.

In short, what are the best horses for beginners?

Many horse breeds are available for people who prepare for riding for the first time. We mention top 5 best horse breeds for you including American Quarter Horses, Thoroughbred, Tennessee Walking Horse, Shetland Pony, and Percheron.
We selected the American Quarter Horses in our beginning times of riding, and we are very satisfied with their docile temperament and firm body. We also don’t worry about anything when bringing them to raise on our farm.
How about you? Let’s check all the top list and our buying guide to find your best horse breed for a first-time owner. Remember to take your time to understand your new horses, try them and ask the seller any questions if necessary.
You can leave your comment here if you want to ask us something about a horse or share your experiences with the new lovely horse.

Saturday 8 February 2020

How to choose The best suitable horse blanket?

The best horse blanket will help your beloved friend warm in the cold winter. But how to choose the suitable because there are many horse breeds with many different body? Read this post now!

How To Detect The Best Horse Blanket From Miles Away?

Similar to best horse hoof boots to protect the horse’s hooves and feet against rugged terrains like I mentioned in another article, a good blanket for horse requires careful research and consideration before making any buying decisions. Your choice is about to directly affects your horse’s performance, health, and safety as well as yours.
Speaking of protection aspect on a blanket, remember to check out its amount of fill to measure the level of warmth. And the task of determining the right weight, depending on your horse’s living environment and its coat situation, is also very important.
Therefore, before going shopping for the most fittable and wonderful blanket for your horse, get the correct measurements ready and bring this ultimate guide with you.
>>> Read Top 5 Best Fly sheet for Horse if you want a cheaper option


First and foremost, say “No” to cheap and poor-quality horse blankets because they will disappoint both you and your horse. After all, the cheaper the price is, the lower the quality is.
There is a number of factors which affect the price of a blanket, for example, size and level of warmth. When it comes to size, remember to measure your horse carefully to get the exact figures, thus to avoid investing in too-big or too-small sizes.
Moreover, the blanket’s materials also play an important part in determining the price. If you are riding your horse under wet and humid weather, consider buying a blanket which excels in breathability and water-resistant feature.
So to give you an overall idea of what prices to expect, the cost can range from 100$ for smaller horses and more than 250$ for adult ones.


Selecting the best horse blanket has never been a piece of cake. Every horse owner is looking for a durable, high-quality, effective heat-retention blanket.
Let’s look at several most outstanding features of a dream blanket!
  • Size: The correct match between the width and length offers great comfort and fit of a blanket,
  • Insulation material: the higher amount of fill material is, the warmer the material becomes
  • Neck coverage: A good one provides extra warmth and protection.
  • Material: High-quality materials ensure longer lifespan and protection level.
  • Waterproof: Some waterproof blankets may get wet but don’t affect their quality, while others are designed to put up with harsh weather conditions
  • Tear resistance: If your horse is active and loves playing around, it’s advisable to keep an eye out for a more rugged-looking and an effective tear-resistant feature to give your horse freedom to move without getting scratches all over.
  • Breathability: During activities, your horse is sure to sweat a lot. Thus, a blanket equipped with the breathable function will keep your horse dry and cool.
  • Shoulder pads: These pads work as an extra layer of comfort for the horse.


The best horse blankets devote to retain your 4-legged companion’s heat and absorbing moisture and sweat from its body, thus keeping it dry even in humid weathers.
First thing first, take your horse’s measurements carefully because one wrong figure can lead to the annoyance that the horse has to put up with. Start measuring from the middle of the horse’s chest to its tail.
Next thing to consider is the number of fill quantities. The higher the quantity is, the warmer the blanket is.
Don’t ignore the blanket’s lining made from natural or synthetic materials. It’s advisable to go for synthetic fibers because they offer prominent heat adjustment, which is an “enemy” against the body’s sweat and moisture.

Efficiency and maintenance

The outer layer of a horse blanket is created by the three most popular materials, which are nylon, ripstop, and polypropylene. Nylon tends to be the most long-lasting material of the three and it has an abrasion resistant feature, while polypropylene is thicker and stronger than cotton and polyester blankets.
Moreover, horse blankets are divided into two distinctive variants – turnout and stable. Both are highly water-resistant.
When it comes to washing horse blankets, first you need to get rid of all excessive dirt, mud, and fur of your horse from the blanket or you will helplessly see your washing machine clogged.
Besides, most blankets often go with buckles, straps, and other relevant parts, so make sure you put in separately into a clean bag and let the machine work its magic.
The last thing to remember is instead of dry blowing the blanket after washing, it’s much better to dry it naturally to have a longer lifespan.

FAQs about Horse Blanket

Q1: What is the best type of front closure?

Although it’s hard to confirm what the best type front closure is, each closure does stand out with its unique benefits.
For example, front closure products from Weatherbeeta make it easy for horse owners to use even when they are wearing bulky gloves on cold days. Or adjustable buckles and straps offer a wide range of alteration options.

Q2: How many surcingles on the blanket are enough?

The common number of surcingles on a horse blanket is two. They are widely known as straps wrapping around the horse’s belly to prevent the blanket from slipping off.
The more surcingles are, the more secure the blanket becomes.

Q3: What about blanket linings? Are all of them the same?

Blanket linings consist of three most famous types –  cotton, mesh, and nylon.
Cotton has the abilities to absorb moisture but may rub against the skin, while nylon lining looks soft and glossy on the blanket’s outer and allows the horse to move freely. Mesh lining adds extra management on the airflow and humidity but hairs are likely to get stuck inside.

Q4: Do we really need wither padding?

Yes, we are. Wither padding is of great help in reducing annoyance some horses show towards their blankets. The padding not only helps to prevent problems of rubbing at the withers but also takes the pressure off sensitive areas on the horse’s body.

Q5: How to Put Blanket into your Horse?

Which best horse blankets to buy?

Save this detailed above right away because sooner or later you will need it in order to make your decisions on
Wondering which blankets to choose among the 5 amazing products listed earlier? Let’s me give you a hand to Weatherbeeta Orican Freestyle Detach-A-Neck – a number-one choice of every horse owner.
Being one of the leading branches on horse-riding equipment, Weatherbeeta has never failed to amaze buyers by their high-quality blankets with impressive long-lasting features that are worth every penny.
If you still have doubts and confusion, our team of experts is always within your reach 24/7!
Thanks again for reading and hope you and your horse enjoy the new horse blanket.