The best electric fence charger will keep your animal not to go wrong way out your farm. But because it related to electric so there are some warning you must know when using this kind of charger.
With cattle and horses, you need less shocking energy to control them. The charger with 3 to 8-joule outputs is sufficient.
With goats and pests, you should install fence chargers with medium strength to help you push them off your garden.
For more dangerous animals like predators including wolves or foxes, you need to equip a 3-8 joule charging system that can shock and scare them.e
For big wild animals, with a lot of power like boar or bear, you need to be aware of buying a charger with a high power shock to keep them away from your farm.
Water plays an important role in maintaining the horse’s health as it can affect thehorse’s digestive system, temperature, and fluid balance. Therefore, keeping waterer clean is a vital task when you raise horses.
But it is quite a challenge to ensure your horses have a clean water supply. Keep on reading to know how!
Add bleach to water:
One of the effective ways to keep the water clean and free of algae is to put 1 or 2 drops of bleach into the water. The chlorine contained in bleach is capable of disinfecting the water.
With the help of sunlight, chlorine in bleach will act as a deterrent to the growth of algae. By using bleach, you can be confident that the water supply for your horse is completely clean.
Although doing this can affect the taste of the water, you don’t need to worry because your horse will adapt to it soon!
Use goldfish:
Goldfish is very helpful for keeping the water clean. Raising a few goldfish is a good idea as it can help remove mosquitoes and reduce algae as well. Because goldfish can eat algae, so you don’t need to feed them.
Because fish can’t live in water that contains chlorine, so be sure you don’t do these techniques at the same time.
Cover your waterer
By covering the top of your waterer, you are able to reduce the amount the sunlight approaching the water.
As one of the main causes of dirty water is algae, reducing the amount of sunlight means reducing the growth of algae because algae need sunlight to grow.
It is not difficult to design a cover, and you need is only a piece of wood. Therefore, find a piece of wood that fits your waterer and do the waterer cover now!
* Crossed with thoroughbreds and quarter horses to produce strong, heavier-boned riding horses.
Today: popular in shows and parades and used as fancy carriage horses
Body type
Muscular and powerful with a square head, heavily muscled gaskins
More streamlined with strong and muscular shoulders
Straight or slightly concave
Wide (usually has a white stripe on the face), straight with a slight convex nature, intelligent-looking eyes
Short, muscular
long and well-arched; shows more crest
Short, broad back
Larger and round (around five pounds each)
Has some feathering
Has heavy feathering in lower legs
Generally speaking, while the Belgian draft horse seems to be shorter, stockier, and also, a little longer-lived, the Clydesdale is available in more colors.
It is impossible to say which breed is better and deserves to be the winner in this comparison. Ultimately, it depends on whether you care more about their uses or appearance, their strength or temperament.
Those are similarities and differences you can consider to identify a more appropriate horse breed.
Most interestingly, you may even teach your horses to recognize the short words, along with meaning.
It would be best to give the appropriate words and come with the proper tone. Your horses will likely understand.
How Horses Are Smart If Compared to Dogs
Debating on the animal intelligence is never simple.
According to what Einstein said, everybody is a genius. There will be stupid if you rely on one piece’s feature to compare to another.
To answer this question, I recommend that you continue reading my article below:
While both horse and dogs are loyal animals, how their intelligence will be:
Don’t have to depend on the brain mass to measure.
The larger the animals the larger the brain mass will be, but that is to control the sensory processing and muscle.
Obviously, humans have the largest ratio of the brain to the body. It means that we are super smart. No! No!
It is necessary to look at how we think and what we are good.
As a general rule, animals hunting another prey are more intelligent than herbivores. No herbivore must need to use lots of brain power in order to eat grass.
Of course, horses are not a hunting animal. But, it is noticed that they have the emotional intelligence and social sensitivity based on herd structures.
Whether being taught or learning themselves, the list of things horses can do is endless.
If you train both cow and horse, you will recognize:
The cow cannot find any way to get away from work. They will try to work during the time.
On the contrary, horses figure out the strategies to get rid of working or even utilize cheat. This comes naturally.
In some cases, cows still work whether you are not there.
Another outstanding feature of horses is the ability to plan and detect dangers. They are almost calm in most dangerous situations. That’s why most farms raise horses.
In a Nutshell, Are horses smarter than dogs?
We can understand horses as an intuitive animal.
For dogs, the ability to remember and learn is surprising.
I am obviously unbiased. Probably, the brain mass allows them to remember both equines and canines. Even, there are plenty of going on that I or you do not likely know.
I hope that this article is helpful for you to understand horses more.
Before digging deeper into non-ruminants, let’s learn a little bit about ruminants.
Ruminants are mammals which can acquire nutrients from plant-based food by fermenting it in a specialized stomach before digestion.
Cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer, elk, giraffes and camels are animals which belong to ruminants. These animals all have a digestive system that is uniquely different from our own. Instead of one compartment to the stomach, they have four.
An illustration of a ruminant digestive system – Source: Wikipedia
Digestion of ruminants includes two processes: foregut fermentation and rumination.
The former takes place in the front part of the digestive system, that typically requires the fermented ingesta (known as cud) to be regurgitated and chewed again. The latter includes the action of rechewing the cud to break down plant matter and stimulate digestion.
On the other hand, non-ruminants are also called “monogastric”- animals with a single-compartment stomach. Examples of monogastric animals are humans, primates, swine, dogs, cats, and even horses.
For instance, the horse is a non-ruminant herbivore. Non-ruminant means that horses do not have multi-compartmented stomachs as cattle do. Instead, the horse has a simple stomach that works much like a human’s. Herbivore means that horses live on a diet of plant material.
The equine digestive tract is unique in that it digests portions of its feeds enzymatically first in the foregut and ferments in the hindgut.
A horse’s digestive system – Source:
How To Take Care Of Horses?
Here are some primary criteria which you should follow to look after your equine friend(s).
Nutritional Needs
A horse’s digestive system is made to process large quantities of grass, which is high in fiber and water. The basic diet for most horses should be grass and good quality hay, free of dust and mold.
Plenty of fresh, clean, unfrozen water should be available at all times, even if the horse only drinks once or twice a day.
Vaccinations and Deworming
All horses need injections, and most need regular deworming. You should discuss the specifics for your horses with an equine veterinarian.
You should protect horses from tetanus. Vaccines for West Nile Virus are also available. You should ask your veterinarian if other vaccines are appropriate for your horse.
Worms can cause weight loss, poor coat, and colic, which can be deadly. It is best to have your veterinarian test and deworm your horse, or advise you on what to use and when.
More important than treating worms is minimizing the horse’s exposure to parasites. Proper management entails not putting too many horses on too little land, rotating pastures if possible, and removing feces regularly.
Horses isolated in box stalls can develop behavioral problems from lack of companionship, exercise, and mental stimulation. Whenever possible, horses should be outside with other horses every day.
Extreme Weather Precautions
Unless it is very wet and windy, horses tolerate cold much better than heat and humidity. If they can’t sweat, they can’t get rid of heat buildup in their bodies.
If the sum of the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and the relative humidity in percentage is over 130, you should be cautious about exercising your horse. If it is over 150, you should probably rest in the shade, and if it is over 180, most horses should not work at all.
Hoof Care
Hooves should be trimmed every six to eight weeks for horses whose feet do not get adequate natural wear.
Some hoof problems are directly related to shoeing. However, changes should not be made suddenly or without expert guidance. You should consider finding a veterinarian or farrier willing to discuss all the options may be hard, but worthwhile.
Horses’ teeth grow continuously. Uneven wear can lead to sharp points and edges that cause pain and difficulty chewing. A horse’s teeth should be checked once or twice a year and “floated” (to make them smoother) by a veterinarian or well-trained equine dentist as needed.
Dental problems, from painful to rotting teeth, may cause difficulty chewing or “quidding,” which occurs when food falls out of the mouth. Other signs of the dental disease may include foul breath, undigested hay in the stools or discomfort from the bit or noseband.
Horses just have a single stomach instead of the four-compartment one like ruminants.
Also, you should consider six aspects: (1) Nutrition; (2) Vaccinations and deworming; (3) Housing, rest and exercise; (4) Extreme weather; (5) Hoof care; (6) Teeth; to take care of your horses better.
Price of an Arabian Horse is the number which many horse lovers want to know. And in this post, I will answer that question with many others interesting information about this beautiful breed!
What is exactly Arabian Horse price?
The planet’s most expensive one has beenMarwan Al Shaqab– astallion. He is so valuable that the owner rejected a$20 millionbid to buy him.
The price is dramatically variable depending on many factors. According to the Arabian Horse Association, the current listed prices range from $500 to $155,000. More commonly, it spans from $5,000 to $85,000. Still, the average cost for most of the Arabian horses will be $5,000 – $20,000.
Factors Affecting Their Purchase Price
These are some main factors that have to do with the cost of Arabian horses:
1. Appearance (Conformation)
The Arabian horses stand about 15 hands high. Their coat has the colors of gray, bay, black, and chestnut. Their skin is black. The mane is high-set and full, as is the tail. The face and legs may have white markings. (source: Wikipedia)
There is a variety of Arabian horse strains. Among them, the purebred Desert variety is the rarest. They are the original Bedouin Desert Arabian. Higher prices may be paid for them.
There are other distinct lineages and they can be complicated. Arabians from various pedigrees are categorized and cataloged by The World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO). WAHO may be of great assistance if you have questions related to the price of an individual horse.
3. Full or half
Both half-Arabian and full-Arabian horses are well-favored these days. By the half-Arabian, we mean a combination of a full Arabian horse and another purebred one.
Current listings show that half-Arabians’ price ranges from $500 to $75,000. Meanwhile, the prices for full Arabians are currently between $500 and $155,000.
Half-Arabian Horse
4. Option to part-own or lease
You can find chances to lease Arabians as part of a lease-to-own agreement or temporarily. Thanks to this option, your up-front costs of buying an Arabian may be reduced significantly.
A lot of Arabians also have more than one owner. If you buy into a limited liability company (LLC) or partnership, the up-front costs over a longer-term investment in an Arabian can be spread out.